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Abstract Background

The secrets first found Jasmaline at the tender age of six, and now her many collections range from the Fireflies—simple fibs like taking an early peek at your Christmas presents—to the Black Tops—brutal murmurs that hold the darkest confidences of the human soul. Unfortunately for Jasmaline, as the secrets arrive, she must first watch them unfold in all their sadness and horror before she can store them safely away in her Secret Room.​When Jasmaline gets together with Cameron, life seems practically perfect. But she soon suspects her boyfriend may be a Secret Snatcher, able to steal her prized possessions, potentially harming or killing her and others in the process. To make matters worse, Jasmaline fears her best friend, Ivy, the only other person in the world she's told about the secrets, may be scheming to steal Cameron’s love and lead him to the Secret Room. To keep those she loves safe and her newfound love intact, Jasmaline scours her grandmother's ancient cookbook for a recipe to squelch Cameron’s secret-snatching abilities. Yet, rather than stifling Cameron’s power, the sweet treat nearly kills him. Jasmaline’s guilt is crushing and, worse yet, her covert actions might kill her. Because there’s only one thing a Secret Keeper’s forbidden to do—and that’s keep their own dark secrets.


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